Learn Cocos2d-x

How to make a cocos2d-x v3.3 game in visual studio 2013 under windows 8

This is Part 1 from my tutorial  How to make a cocos2d-x v3.3 game in visual studio 2013 under windows 8Cocos2d-x is a C++ game engine for building 2d games,it is ported from the iOS game engine Cocos2d ,Cocos2d-x is very popular in the east particularly in China and Japan,one major issue with Cocos2d-x is the lack of good tutorials on the web except for some books on Amazon .In Cocos2d-x version 3.3 the support to 3D sprites was added so developers can load 3d models into their games scenes but still the engine is for making 2d games and until now it is not a 3d game engine ,With Cocos2d-x you can create your game once for all major devices like iOS ,Android,Windows Phone ,Windows ,Windows Runtime or apps and linux

There are many flavors of Cocos2d ,Cocos2d-x which uses C++ as a programming language and Lua for scripting,Cocos2d-html5 which is a port of Cocos2d game engine to html 5,what is really existing about Cocos2d-x besides being the best open source game engines for creating 2d games and multi-devices support is being native,you can create 2d games in native C++ which  is the most popular game programming language ,when you build games in C++ then your game code runs natively on multiple systems such Windows ,Linux,MacOS etc .. with Cocos2d-html5 now you can create native html5 games ,you no longer need other third party plugins to run the game like the case for Unity3D(yes you can create 2d games in Unity) as an example ,just take time to build it and it will run natively on major platforms.

I’m a passionate of Cocos2d-x ,also a C++ and javascript developer who happens to love html5, i found on Cocos2d-x and Cocos2d-html5 my dream game engine ,once you learn Cocos2d-x the process of learning Cocos2d-html5 is straightforward, it is the same api just called with javascript instead of C++,i love to be able to build a game once and publish it to all stores ,so as i said i’m a big fan of cocos2d-x and cocos2d-html5 so to contribute to the success of this game engine i’m planning to make some tutorials to help  game developers just starting to learn Cocos2d to learn it fast and more easily also , i develop games with Visual Studio lately visual studio 2013 under Windows 8 so my first tutorial will be how to use Cocos2d-x with visual studio 2013 ,this tutorial will be devided in  several parts ,in each part i will try to teach you something useful with Cocos2d-x: Creating first Cocos2d-x project,Using sprites and spritesheets ,physics and collision detection etc..in the end you are going to have a starter project for an infinite runner 2d game which you can improve to be more decent game ready for being published to game store   ,now enough introduction and and see you in the  next parts ,before going to Part 2 there is a video tutorial from Microsoft Virtual Academy about creating a game with Cocos2d-x with Visual Studio 2013 i would like you to watch it first . Build a Game with Cocos2d-x for Windows Devices

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